Monday, October 4, 2010

You Are The First Generation...That Comes With Some Responsibility

"You Are The Start Of The Generation That Is Destined For Greatness."
Thapelo Jonas

Good Morning Destiny Partner...I trust that you had a beautiful weekend, Because I Sure Did. Going To Lesotho This Past Weekend Was One Of The Best Decisions I Ever Made....It had lot of lessons, some of which i want to share with you today....

Many times when we speak about success, we often overlook the most important aspect of it, that, It is generational. In fact, some of the richest and successful people in our lifetime have learned to build their wealth for generations to come...

When you walk in large fields for planting like i did, and you see as many cattles, sheep and horses as i did and heard of, you are bound to ask questions. And these are the questions i asked when i arrived at my inlaws in Lesotho.

I learned that one man, in the form of their grandfather accumulated so much land and animals that even long after his passing, the following generations are still enjoying the wealth set by the first generation.

Unfortunately, not so many of us had the opportunity to grow in wealthy families, and by wealthy i mean, families where grand parents left enough wealth for the next generation to live on.

But allow me to submit you, Destiny Partner, you are the start of that generation destined for greatness...

You have an obligation to the next generation, to ensure that they enjoy the benefits of your wealth....That is the responsibility of the first generation....

In whatever you do today: you can be in varsity or high school, you can be in job or owning your own business, but i want you to remember that you are a builder....and whatever you build must not only sustain you, but it must sustain the next and next generation.

Wealth is for generations....

It saddens me when i see black people, after getting their first million, starting to buy luxury cars, and put themselves in debt soon after that. Destiny Partner, you are a builder. In all your actions today, you are building for the next generation. That's your responsibility because you are the first generation.

How can you Build For The Next Generation....?


What???????You might be sitting there, saying, "family trust, me???" Yes..You. It mights sound difficult but i will demonstrate what you can do.I am going to use a little example from my own family to show you what a family can do to build for the next generation.....

I come from a family of academics, they are not rich in physical assets but they have intellectual assets. My maternal grandparents believed in taking their children to school. And they had 6 children, and out of that, they were able to produce some 3 principals and one that's my uncles and aunt. I think they did great, given the varying circumstances.

And the 6 in turn, were able to produce us...the third generation.

And that generation in my family is a generation of stars...And i am not just saying that because I am in it. And though some are in progress, it comprise of a doctor, accountant, nurse, engineers and entrepreneurs....

What does this have to do with building a family trust? let me show you...

If each one of these, say 10 grandchildren can bring their purchasing power to the table. Lets say i qualify for a million and others as well, we have 10 million which we could invest in some lucrative property or fund.

And this is how its going to work;

Each one's contribution will buy everyone from their family representation. Be it sisters and brothers and even their own unborn children.

What would happen is, any child who will be born from any represented family, would be guaranteed university scholarship...anywhere.

So when our children are still young, they know that daddy, uncles and aunts have made provisions for my university. They just have to show up at university. In turn, when they have qualified they can invest back in the family trust to ensure that their own families will be be provided for....

Won't that be great.....

Remember this; you are a builder. The next generation depends on you.

Yours In Motivation...

Thapelo Jonas [Your Very Own...Life Coach]
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