Monday, October 18, 2010

Never Major With Minors

Destiny Partner

"Never Get Caught Up In Trivialities. You Will End Up Majoring With Minors. And The Truth is; In Varsity, We Can Get Promoted To The Next Grade, Even Without Passing Our Minors."
Thapelo Jonas

Hello Destiny Partner...I trust that you had a fabulous weekend because i SURE did. I have a confession though....i missed you guys. I enjoyed helping people in Qwaqwa to connect with their life assignments.

There is nothing that can replace a person been in their functional place...

In today's main essay, i chose to talk about a subject very close to my heart. As a life coach, i feel that it is my duty to help you destiny partner, to understand how to class the obstacles of your life.

Our obstacles fall into two categories; MINORS and MAJORS.

Any person that has done some geographical studies in primary will tell you, we were taught that Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the tallest mountains in the world. People often ask me why i disagree with that. And then i tell them, the answer to that rendition depends on the position that it is viewed from.

If we can place one person on the bottom of Mount Kilimanjaro, and ask them a closed ended question," is Mount Kilimanjaro one of the tallest mountains in the world?" Chances are, they will say YES.

However, if you take another person and put him on an airplane, and ask them the same closed ended question," is Mount Kilimanjaro one of the tallest mountains in the world?" Chances are, they will say NO.

You know why? The answer to that question lies with the POSITION from which the mountain is viewed.

Therefore, from the bottom of kilimanjaro, it can be said that it is one of the tallest mountains in the world. But from the plane's view, it is as small as a marble....

Did you get that?

Destiny partner, allow me to tell you this afternoon; when the devil is busy flaunting your flaws--what you can do and cannot do in this life, and when he reminds you that your best days are behind you not before you, you ought to remember that the definition of flaw in the devil's vocabulary is totally different from that of God.

Did you know that the devil's objective in reminding you of your past, weaknesses and failures is to make you WASTE time pondering around things that Jesus has paid for on the cross while he delays you from becoming what God has made you to become?

The devil understand the importance of time and season. And it is his utmost ambition to delay your meeting with destiny by reminding you of your flaws, current mistakes and supposedly fatal failures.

He wants you to major with minors.

The bible declares in the book ,2 Corinthians 12:9, "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." [KJV]

Have you thought about the scripture that says, "His mercies are new every morning?" In other words, when you are in Christ, you have a clean slate every morning....halleluya!!!

When today was perfect...there won't be a need for tomorrow.

In Romans 8:26, we read, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Never spend time pondering about things that Jesus has paid a ransom for. I call that majoring with minors. Your flaws have been paid for in FULL. The devil knows it. Jesus knows it. God the father knows it. Its only you who has not received the memo yet.

In the book of Genesis 37, we learn about the harsh experiences that Joseph had to go through to get to Egypt. At one time, his brothers sold him to the merchants going to Egypt. He sat as a slave in the caravans of the merchants going to his functional place....

I have got news for you this monday afternoon...what the devil thought was a horrendous experience, God thought of as a mode of transport to deliver Joseph to his land of Destiny.

Joseph could sob and complain about the harsh experience, but that could have been majoring in minors....

I want to tell you that we serve a GREAT GOD. He has a destiny for you. You were born for such a time. The strategic solutions for the anomalies or disorders of your industry or sector lies in the loins of your experiences. You are God solution to the world.

You must remember that you can do it. You are capacitated to prosper. Its not the question of If but its When...

Don't let the devil WASTE your time....the bible says in Ecclesiastes 3 that for every purpose on earth, there is a season...that includes your purpose.The devil is afraid of your launch. He plans to delay you.

Never Major with Minors....

It's time to seize your opportunities. Start that business even when the devil reminds you that you are not Richard Branson. Invest in Real Estate when all your peers tell you that you are not Donald Trump. Invest in the stock exhange even when you are told that you are not Warren Buffet.

Thinking about what you cannot do means majoring with minors.

Never major with minors.....

Yours In Motivation

Thapelo Jonas [Your Very Own...Life Coach]
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