Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Importance Of Work Ethic

Destiny Partner...

Good Morning, Destiny Partner. Today, characterises yet another day, closer to a more successful, wealthy and healthy YOU...And we are indeed grateful to have partnered with you in this exciting journey of discovery.

I have always said in my articles, that this group should shift your paradigms, enhance your thinking and motivate you to think differently. As Dr. John Tibane puts it, the same thinking that got you into trouble cannot take you out of trouble.

I relish challenging your beliefs and ideologies. And that is why in today's main essay,i chose to speak about the importance of work ethic.

Do you know what it is?

According to Wikipedia, WORK ETHIC is, "a set of values based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character. A work ethic may include being reliable, having initiative, or maintaining social skills."

Please read that definition again....

Many people work around in life expecting life to give them things. And unfortunately, we see this disgusting attitude surfacing in many work environments today.

If you are blessed to have a job, both the employer and employee have unarticulated expectations. An employee, for an example expect their salary to be paid on the last day of every month, not one day later. And the employer expects you, the employee to work atleast 40 hours a week. This equals maybe 8 hours a day.

In other words, the foundation premise in the workplace should be; there is an exchange of salary for employee's time...In my observation, i see this very one-sided in the workplace. The employer honours the part of the contract while the employee doesn't...

But tell me something, destiny partner, are you honouring your part of this psychological contract? really?

There are 3 ways to develop your work ethic.....

#01. Stop Facebooking On The Company's Time

If your company pays you for 8 hours a day, that time belongs to your company. Stop facebooking 3 hours on the company's time. It's fine to facebook on your lunch hour NOT in the company's time. Many companies today, though, have adopted Facebook as part of their online marketing strategy. If your company and your job entails executing that strategy, you are well within your contract to do so. But otherwise please stop.

There are reported cases of unproductive employees who use company resources to Facebook. Its unethical and disgusting.

#02. Stop Wanting To Be Micro-Managed

We also living in the time today when many young people expect to be told what to do in the workplace, and be watched like a hawk while executing that. That is micro-management. It's outdated and does not work.

It's important to take initiative. You must understand what your employer expect of you, and do that, unmonitored. If you can't manage your time for somebody else's gain, you cannot manage it for your own gain.

#03 Find value in your work

The rainmakers in their industries respects their employer's time. They are able to distinguish between time-to-play and time-to-work. That includes, if you working for another black man or woman...respect their time.

It is sad how we black people can turn the world upside-down, running around for our white employers and be all chilled and lazy when we work for our black people.

Have you seen that? Its' disgusting.

If you would wear a uniform while cleaning Mineer Van Wyk's happy to wear that uniform when working for Mr. Jonas.Find value in your work. Honour your word.

Respect your employer's time. It's important to develop these fundamental values.

If you are a student or you want to own your business, it's important to learn this fundamental values. You know why? Because What you do under authority is what you will do when you are in authority. If we can learn these things now...i can guarantee you, South Africa will never be the same again...

Yours In Motivation..

Thapelo Jonas [Your Very Own...Life Coach]
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