Tuesday, October 12, 2010

3 Important Principles of Our Life Assignment

Destiny Partner

Proverbs 18:16 [KJV]: "A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. "

Good Afternoon, Destiny Partner. I am always excited when i get an opportunity to write this life changing article for you. My birth was authorised ONLY to help you connect with your life assignment. It is only when I do that I feel that I am in my functional place. Thank you for looking out for a Destiny AWAITS article every weekday...

I am truly humbled by the feedback I received over yesterday's snippet on my new not-yet-titled book. And thank you for those title suggestions i am receiving. Please keep on inboxing me your suggestions.

3 Important Principles Of Our Life Assignment

Every single person on planet earth is born with unique natural talents, aptitudes and special abilities that are crucial to those people accomplishing their life assignment.

You see, the bible says, a man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. It is important to understand though, that your gift has a potential to make you a star in some room but it's also important to know that you can't shine in every room.

You were designed to be exceptional in something.There is something that you were born with, that, in approximately 6 billion people we have on planet earth, not one else can do them they way you do.

And that which you are exceptional in, can help you a great deal in discovering the assignment of your life. We discovered yesterday that our lives have a predetermined purpose.

I get frustrated when i see people trying to become masters of everything. You were born to become exceptional in something but not in everything. It is impossible that you will master everything. You were designed like that. And such efforts often lead to frustration and misery.

God has capacitated you to become exceptional in something...And your gift was deposited into you, to enable you to accomplish your life assignment.

Some people have exceptional singing abilities while some have exceptional communication abilities. Whatever it is you were born exceptional in, it serves your life assignment.

God has made you exceptional maybe in singing because that gift is essential to making you effective in your life assigment. You don't know, but maybe God has laid the healing of nations in the melody of your voice.

Who knows, God has made you exceptional in business because that gift has the potential to provide you with resources that God can use to answer some of humanity's predicaments. In your exceptional business gift lies provision for erecting schools in Sudan and Somalia...you were capacitated to accomplish God's plan not yours.

God has made some exceptional in communication because in that gift lies attorneys, authors, motivational speakers, television presenters and politicians which are crucial to effect heavenly influences in our contemporary society.

You are exceptional in something...

Whatever it is you are exceptional in, it should help you accomplish the life assignment that God has authorised your birth for. There are 3 important principles of your life assignment that you need to understand...

1. It Carries With It The Position Of Influence

If where you are right now, be it in your business, career or any endeavour, you don't have a position of influence, then you are not in your destiny yet. God's ultimate plan is to push you into a position of influence to effect changes are in line with His word in particular industries or sectors.

2. It Always Benefit People

God never authorises a birth for one person. When we are in our destiny, our assignments should always benefit other people. The constant question you should ask yourself is, "Is my gift benefitting my society?"

If you are in a job that does not affect the bottom line...you are not in your destiny yet....

3. And It Always Brings God's Answer To Humanity's Predicaments

You are God's solution to the world. Your gift must answer crucial needs of society and if not, then you are not in your destiny yet. Every person who is born on earth, their birth was authorised ONLY because they were 'NEED MEETERS'

Yours In Motivation

Thapelo Jonas [Your Very Own...Life Coach]
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