Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Power Of Exposure

Destiny Partner...

"Don't have friends whom you don't want to end up like....Don't Read Books You Don't Want To Have Their Author's Outcome...And Don't Go to places Which Do Not Shape Your Dreams Differently..." Thapelo Jonas

One fact you often hear me cite in my articles and sessions is this; every person is a product of 3 important components




And over the years I have learned that, if you want to change the present circumstances of every person, the financial predicament they are in and the current state of their health, your impact should come through one or all of those components.

Think about it for a second...if we trace the origin of every successful man or woman in the world, what do we find? I will tell you....

You find a person, whose.....ENVIRONMENT was conducive for innovation and creativity. One were entrepreneurship was celebrated and not abhored, and children aspiring to start their own enterprises were encouraged instead of been propelled to follow their parents' unfulfilled career dreams.

The ENVIRONMENT that declared that, "We got your back." Go for it and if you fail, so what?

A person who has a certain degree of FORMAL Or INFORMAL EDUCATION--- It can be specialised skills acquired from any tertiary institution that makes you exceptional in business career, or the kind of books you read that contribute to you thinking a certain way about business and careers.

THE PRINCIPLE: What you read is how you feed.....

And lastly, a person with a unique support structure. It could be the PARENTS who believed that their child could become anything in life and not only did they believe but they took an initiative of speaking their faith in the child to that child.

And because the child grows up hearing it over and over again, he/she ends believing it. Thus becoming the product of greatness spoken by his/her parents.

I am not a great fan of taking children to former model C schools BUT you got to understand THE POWER OF EXPOSURE THAT THIS SCHOOLS PROVIDES. THE LEVERAGE IT PROVIDES...

Think about this for a second....

Some of us struggle today to communicate strategically in our lives because we were not exposed to speaking in English from young age.

Some of us fail dismally in sports like swimming today because our schools did not have necessary equipment to make us great swimmers. We even associate our inability to swim with the colour of our skin. You don't know, maybe i would have been better than Michael Phelps IF I WAS EXPOSED TO SWIMMING WHEN I WAS YOUNG....

You don't know, maybe I would have been an exceptional Forex Trader by age 15 IF I WAS EXPOSED To an APPLE MAC AND THE INTERNET WHEN I WAS YOUNG...

I would have been far If i had teachers that spoke greatness to me. The kind of teachers that discouraged me if i made wrong subject choices, the kind that said to me, that university scholarship has your name written all over it. If I had teachers that mentored and ushered me into business skills and top-notch careers, WHERE WOULD I BE?


Some of us have a late start disadvantage because of lack of exposure. Destiny partner, what you expose yourself to forms your thoughts and dreams and eventually that is what you become..

Whether its friends, books and places you go to, make sure that you expose yourself to the material that you would want to be made out of.

Don't have friends whom you don't want to end up like....Don't Read Books You Don't Want To Have Their Author's Outcome...And Don't Go to places Which Do Not Shape Your Dreams Differently...

Yours In Motivation

Thapelo Jonas [Your Very Own...Life Coach]
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