Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Leverage Your Partnerships

Destiny Partner...

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he..." Proverbs 23:7 KJV

It is sad but it's true. Many people do not realise this; the quality of your present life is in direct proportion to the quality of your past thoughts. You see, the life that you are experiencing now, is not the result of some big bang theory, YOU MADE IT.

If you look around, and your career/business epitomises failure--you are not happy about your job and the business that you are in, remember this; the seeds of the tree whose shadow you are under, were planted in the soil called your mind. Perhaps the old adage applies, if you can conceive it, then you can do it. If it is impossible in your mind then it will be impossible in reality.

Let me demonstrate the dynamics of this phenomenon...

Everything that goes to your mind, only gets through in two ways, your eyes and your ears. Therefore, your thoughts are formed mainly by what hear and see. And to that end, allow me to say this; you are the product of 3 things...

1. The people you spend time with.
2. The books you have read or read
3. The places that you have been to.

Let me focus on the first one. When God gets ready to prosper you, He seldom provides you with money. But He brings divine relationships into your life. God lets you partner with people that have resources you don't have BUT need to be manouevoured into your position of success.

Destiny Partner, there are people in this group I could not reach by myself. I had to partner with TJ, who had a wider network base that I had. If you position yourself to be in the midst of people who you aspire to be, then, their thinking influences your thinking and their lifes eventually influences your life.

Question is, who is shaping your thoughts?

Learn to partner with people that advance you. In business, when choosing careers, and when making friends. If you want to go in a certain industry, find A RAINMAKER in that industry, partner with them. And leverage those partnerships, and before long, you will be the rainmaker yourself.

Never partner with a zero--a person who has nothing to give. As Bishop T.D Jakes often says, zero is the only number when multiplied with another number, gives you zero.
Leverage your

Thapelo Jonas [ Your Very Own..LIFE Coach]

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