Sunday, January 2, 2011

God Will Turn Your 'Full Stops' Into 'Commas'

Destiny Partner

In this first issue of 2011, i want to speak to you today on the impact of 'FULL STOPS' that people often put in our lives and how God turns them into 'COMMAS'.

In the book of Genesis 37:33 [KJV], we read these words, "And he knew it, and said, It is my son's coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces. "

You see, this is an account of what happened after Joseph's brothers sold him to the merchants of the Ishmaelites.

They brought an incorrect report to Jacob, their father and said, "Joseph, your son is dead." In other words, Joseph's brothers killed Joseph in the mind of his father while he was alive.

It's not only Joseph that people brought an incorrect report about; as we begin this year, some of you, society has written off. People have declared that you are a failure in life and that you will amount to nothing. They have spoken about you and declared that you can never and will never make it in life, business, career and academics.

They have killed you while you are alive...That's what Joseph's brothers did. They killed Joseph in the mind of his father while he was alive.

They brought this report; Joseph is dead. They put a 'FULL STOP' after that statement.

But I want you to see what God does in Genesis 45:26 [KJV], "And told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive, and he is governor over all the land of Egypt. And Jacob's heart fainted, for he believed them not."


Destiny Partner, when God was done with Joseph and his destiny had been reached, his brothers had to go back to the mind in which they killed him TO GO AND RESURRECT HIM FROM THE DEAD...

But watch what they say when they come to Jacob, "JOSEPH IS YET ALIVE, AND HE IS GOVERNOR OVER ALL THE LAND OF EGYPT."

The full stop that they had put in the statement 'Joseph is dead' had to replaced with a comma. And that comma made a difference in the statement, "Joseph is yet alive COMMA and he is governor in all the land of Egypt."

Isn't that EXCITING?

God kept all of Joseph's brothers alive. You know why? so that they can go back to the mind in which they killed him to go and resurrect him and also declare good news.

I want you to know this; it does not matter what people have declare over your life and how bad of a report they brought to their friends about you but honey, i have news for you, when God is done with you, your enemies will have no choice but to replace the full stops they made about you with commas that are followed by your GOOD NEWS...

God is not done with you yet...2011 is your year.

Yours In Motivation

Thapelo Jonas [Your Very Own...Life Coach]
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